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Artificial Intelligence Industry College
The Artificial Intelligence Industry College aims to serve and support the development of the regional artificial intelligence industry, realizes the close connection between the supply side and the industrial demand side in talent training, scientific research and social services, and continuously optimizes the professional structure and teaching of computer and electronic information disciplines. Quality, cultivate high-quality, application-oriented, composite, and innovative engineers who adapt to and serve the development of modern industries, continuously improve the ability of higher education to serve the development of the industry, promote industrial development in the field of artificial intelligence, and create a system that integrates talent training, achievement transformation, innovation and entrepreneurship , a demonstration base for industrial incubation.

You can log in to " Neusoft IT Cloud School (https://study.neutech.cn) " for detailed information .

Major Group Planning

The College of Artificial Intelligence Industry can serve two major categories of engineering majors: computer (computer science and technology, intelligent science and technology, etc.) and electronic information (electronic information engineering, artificial intelligence, etc.), corresponding to technical directions and school characteristics. Form professional groups.

Construction Planning

  • Guided by the integration of science, industry and education, we will create a distinctive "Artificial Intelligence Professional Group" and carry out innovative construction and reform in talent training models, teaching resources, teaching materials and methods, teacher teams, and training bases.
  • The establishment and construction of disciplines and majors in the School of Artificial Intelligence Industry are centered around the specific needs of industrial development and the practical problems faced by the industry.
  • In terms of scientific research, research is carried out around the general technology of the artificial intelligence industry and specific technical issues of enterprises, and the research results are immediately transformed into teaching resources.
  • The service center of the Artificial Intelligence Industry Institute corresponds to industry chain enterprises and carries out skills training, technical consultation and transfer and transformation of scientific research results, etc., to achieve the connection between talent training and the needs of the digital industry.
  • Follow the engineering education certification and CDIO model, optimize talent training plans, innovate teaching, strengthen practical training and internships, integrate engineering ethics and professional ethics, and comprehensively cultivate students' ability to solve engineering problems.


  • We will give full play to Neusoft's advantages in the artificial intelligence industry and pan-IT talent training, and deeply integrate industry, academia and research to meet the needs of social and economic development and serve local economic construction.
  • Relying on Neusoft's artificial intelligence industry project, the educational teaching content and practical training rooms are rebuilt to meet the talent training needs of the artificial intelligence industry and serve the training of talents in the fields of intelligent robots, computer vision, natural language processing, and artificial intelligence data analysis.
  • Through the support system and platform of the Artificial Intelligence Industry College, it covers two platforms: teaching and practice, and artificial intelligence professional construction. The former provides an intelligent teaching environment and project research and development facilities to achieve all-round standardized management.
  • Schools and enterprises jointly build the industrial college council, implement the dean responsibility system, mix teachers, and enterprises participate in talent training throughout the process to achieve results in resources, employment, competitions and other fields, and create a highland for training digital talents in health care.
  • Jointly build and educate college students' artificial intelligence application innovation and entrepreneurship project incubation platform, cultivate innovative and entrepreneurial talents, and help college student project incubation.
For more information about industrial colleges, please log in to " Neusoft IT Cloud School (https://study.neutech.cn) ".

Typical Case

Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology and Neusoft Education jointly cultivate applied technical talents