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Cloud Practice Platform

Neusoft Cloud Practice Platform provides complete teaching resources for majors such as artificial intelligence, Internet of Things engineering, intelligent science and technology, computer science and technology, software engineering, data science and big data technology, electronic information engineering, digital media technology, and big data management and application. At the same time, it integrates the actual project cases of enterprises, builds a teaching system that combines theory and practice with the actual project as the background, and builds practical scenarios for the development environment of real big data, artificial intelligence, CT medical imaging and other development environments of enterprises, so as to train and improve students' engineering practice ability and professional quality.

The platform help schools solve problems such as high cost, difficulty, and lack of control in building IT practical teaching environments, scarcity of enterprise-level teaching projects, and limitations of offline experiments. Break through the bottleneck of practical teaching, achieve a flexible, fast, secure, and low-cost practical teaching management mode.


Diversified Cloud Experimental Environment

The diversified cloud experimental environment is lightweight and powerful, which can be quickly deployed with one click, and practical teaching can be carried out anytime, anywhere.

Real-time Monitoring

Real-time monitoring of students' experimental progress, automatic collection and traceability of experimental process data, so that the experimental results can be traced, and the whole process of the experiment can be conveniently controlled.

Stable and Effective Teaching Experience
  • Experimental procedure detection, real-time auxiliary teaching

Real-time detection of students' operation steps in the experimental environment, and feedback the results to teachers and students to improve the interactive teaching experience.

  • Teachers assist and guide remotely to improve teaching effectiveness

In the process of students doing experiments in the online environment, teachers can remotely open the students' experiment interface, assist students in experimental coding, and guide students in experiments.

Multiple Evaluation Mechanism
  • The course achieves intelligent evaluation

Based on the completion of the experiment, the achievement of the course objectives is analyzed, so as to meet the evaluation of teachers and students on the mastery of course knowledge and skills and the achievement of teaching goals, promotes teaching in real time through data precipitation and data changes, and monitor the teaching quality.

  • Evaluate position intelligently

Construct an adaptive matching of knowledge and skill points and talent positions, create a model of students' abilities, intelligent learning, and visualization of results, so that the process can be monitored, talents can be evaluated, and positions can be matched.

Systematic Course Resources with Multi-level Practical Teaching.

The five-level advanced experimental project design is from shallow to deep, from easy to difficult, fully grasping the law of students' learning and growth, and students are easy to use, advanced, challenging, and rewarding.